Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Causes And Effects of Cycling Pain

Pain or muscle pain often appears in some parts of the body due to cycling the wrong way. Well, so you avoid muscle pain while cycling, you need to know in advance what the things are that can cause muscle pain......

Causes And Effects of Cycling PainCauses And Effects of Cycling Pain

Causes And Effects of Cycling Pain

Knee Pain

The reason is that the sitting position is wrong. The sitting position is too high causing the pain behind the knees and hips are too many shifts so uncomfortable. The sitting position is too low or too far to the front causing the front of the knee pain. Position one foot on the pedal also causes pain in the knee or the outside. Wearing gear is too high is also one factor of knee pain. Normal size is 70-100 strokes per minute in normal speed.

Neck Pain

The reason is that wearing a bike that size is too long or too low handlebar position. Hamstring and hip flexor muscles that are strained by imposing curved spine can also cause neck pain.

Numb feet

The cause is wear soft-soled shoes. Choose hard-soled shoes. Gear position is too high so that the greater the pressure foot also be the cause.

Numb hands

The cause is not wearing cycling gloves. Choose the cycling gloves with protective pads. Elbow is too straight or locked also cause hand numbness. Make sure your elbows slightly bent so as to serve as shock absorbers. Changing the position of the hands on the handlebars can also reduce the pressure and numbness.

Buttocks Pain

The cause is a type of saddle and shorts are not appropriate. Saddles for men generally have a hole in the middle for comfort. While the saddle for women are shorter and wider to accommodate the wider pelvis. Cycling specific shorts that either have no seam at the crotch and one has a special base line.

By knowing the cause of muscle pain while cycling, you are expected to be more careful in doing this activity. Avoid sore muscles and get the benefits of cycling for your body to its full potential.


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